“Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.”‘
John 5:17 (New International Version)
Hey girlfriends,
I just wanted to remind all of us that even when it doesn’t seem like anything is happening, our God is busying Himself with our every step. There have been and will continue to be seasons in our lives in which it seems that nothing is changing. We keep praying the same prayers over and over again and heaven seems silent. The accuser is whispering in our ears to give up, that even God Himself has abandoned us.
We need to ask ourselves where our faith is based? If it is based on emotions, heaven help us! This woman can be one walking hormone, completely deceived into thinking that what I feel is real. Emotions go up and down, but our God is a strong tower and when we run to Him, we are safe. No matter what circumstances are shouting at us.
Our God is on the throne, fully capable of fulfilling His promises to us when the sun is shining and the world is right as when the skies turn gray and gloomy. Someone needs to hear today, besides me, to hold on! If we are wrestling with our God over something that He has promised us in His Word that has not yet come to fruition, we must believe that He is going to come through. He never lies to us–ever. We can only see just a tiny portion of what He is doing. He sees the whole thing. He is always at work even when He seems to be so far away.
Take heart, sweet sister. Our God is on the throne working out every detail so that when we get the answer, our heart will be able to joyfully say, “Jesus, You did ALL things well!”
I was childless for many years. In thos eyears, I thought many times that I was stuck in the midst of sameness, like nothing was changing. Since He brought children into my life, I will never again be the same, and I doubt I will ever feel stuck in “sameness.” Everything is unpredictable, and wonderful. He has indeed done all things well for me! I know He will continue to do so. Even when He works in ways I do not understand, He is still good.
This woman can be one walking hormone, completely deceived into thinking that what I feel is real. Emotions go up and down, but our God is a strong tower and when we run to Him, we are safe.
I was just talking about this in my small group today. I need to stop listening to my heart (which lies and deceives) and start listening to my head: my God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and he has promised never to leave me or forsake me. He hasn’t promised me a rose garden — but he has promised that he’ll walk me through and past the thorns.