Biblical forgiveness…
What is it and what does it look like? I have rarely struggled with any concept more than this one. I believed that if I forgave someone, I was condoning their wrong actions against me. That I was saying what they did was ok. My heart rebelled at the lack of justice I felt that the person who had wronged me would get off “scott free.” Yet, I was the one who was in the prison as I sat in the cold darkness of my bitterness and anger. I had countless conversations in my head on how I would respond should I ever get the chance to confront my offender. I wasted more hours than I could keep track of seething and replaying the offense over and over in my mind.
God led me on a journey through the book of Genesis that completely changed my understanding of what biblical forgiveness is and is not. Joseph, the favored son of the patriarch Jacob, suffered unimaginable depths of betrayal, injustice, and dashed hopes at the hands of his ten jealous brothers. If you and I think we have come from a dysfunctional family, we haven’t seen anything yet with Joseph and his brothers. Twelve brothers born from four mothers, two of whom were sisters in huge competition with each other, and a husband and father who let them all act crazy and didn’t protect children.
You will see yourself in the story somewhere! I promise!
But there is such hope in the story! By the end of the eight weeks of study, we will stand in jaw-dropping wonder at the redemption story that none of this family knew God was weaving through their lives at the time. And, perhaps, we will see the first glimmers of hope in our stories too, that we were completely unaware of.
I hope you will watch this short introduction to this amazing story. Come along with me for a Bible study in the life-transforming Word of God as we ask Him to help us encounter the healing power of forgiveness. Supplemental teaching DVDs for each session are available for purchase at To order Encountering the Healing Power of Forgiveness, click on this link: Encountering the Healing Power of Forgiveness