“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For in just a very little while, “He who is coming will come and not delay.” Hebrews 10:36-37 (NIV)
I had “one of those days” today. You know the kind, where you take one step forward only to take two steps backward, or so it seems. I had the kind of day when simple tasks stretched into ones that were monumental. I got turned around on the road twice going somewhere I had never been before. And someone cut me right off in the left-turn lane and almost smashed into my car as she did it. She did not even acknowledge the peril she had nearly put both of us in, but pushed me out of the lane as she carried on the conversation she was having with her passenger-and without so much as a backward glance in her mirror. This happened at a light that took five times of the green arrow before I was able to inch into bumper-to-bumper traffic. I just sighed.
I used to dread heaven. I had a time in my life as a little girl when I remember being afraid that I would never wake up if I went to sleep. I would will myself to stay awake in the darkness as long as I possibly could. Sleep always overtook me eventually. I would realize with relief that I had made it through the night as the sunlight woke me up the next morning.
I think I know why I used to fear dying. I didn’t know what would happen to me. I couldn’t imagine that living anywhere other than in my house with my parents could make me happier. The unknown side of eternity loomed frightening in my mind.
Although I don’t want to leave my life now, I do not dread going anymore. Life here on this sin-sick planet is just plain hard. Days like today make me cling to the hope that this world is not my home. Jesus has promised that He has gone on before me to prepare a place just for me. That place will be free from sickness, crying, and the agonizing good-byes I have been forced to say to loved ones. I also will have no more wrestling with guilt or shame, inadequacies, or fears. There will be no sun or moon in heaven because the glory of my heavenly Father will be its light. And in that light, there will be no more frustrating days like today.
My soul needs to be encouraged by these words:
“Shawn, you need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For in just a very little while, Jesus, your Savior, who is coming will come and will not delay!”
Thank you, Jesus, for the hope that You are coming again–in a very little while. Help me to be faithful until then.
Amen and Amen!!
I’m right there with you, sister!
There are good days here on earth, but when I think how much better heaven will be… well… sometimes I just want to skip this part!
But I guess I have more that God wants me to learn and do — ’cause I’m still here!
-karen l.