Have you ever felt overlooked or as though you are living in someone else’s shadow? Not many people handle those feelings well, but Scripture provides one of the greatest contrasts in character between a villain and a hero living in the same family. Join me as we discuss one of the most amazing unsung heroes by the world in all of Scripture.
Session 6 of Living With Unmet Desires.
Shawn, this one was soooo good, with so many amazingly good points and illustrations that I don't know where to begin.
Your admitting that you can be a "fair weather friend" speaks volumes. We're all like that. But to say it out loud? in public? takes guts.
You're MY hero, Shawn. You inspire people to want to be better, and walk closer to God. Continue in this path…you're truly gifted in speaking!
Shawn, thank you so much for this one. God spoke so clearly to me. this is exactly what I am struggling with today and all this last week. I feel so unappreciated and unseen. so passed over. please pray that I can love people who have hurt me. who don't value me the way i wish. your whole study is uncovering some really ugly stuff inside me and it is so painful. i know for a fact that God gave me this message today. thank you. you are the hand of God to me. I can't stop crying. but right after you said the part about that's my girl, my mom called and asked if she could come for a few days to take care of me. i need her so bad. i am so thankful and it was so God to give me you and her today. He does love me. I think that is what He needed me to be sure of. now i am struggling with if I can trust him to give me something better in my life than being a laundry lady and cook of many children. i want so much more. i am afraid that if I trust him he will tell me all I am good for is wife and mother and that feels lame compared to what is bursting out of me to do. anyway, please pray for me. i will talk to you on monday.